We were very happy to welcome all our agents from the Italian sales network to the customary annual meeting, this year held on 3 and 4 April 2019, for two days of training and comparison during which we shared strategies, goals and previews of new products.
These meetings with our agents are very important because they allow us to receive interesting indications about market needs directly from those who work in the field; the agents, in turn, can become more familiar with the products and their strong points. The meetings are also about strengthening team spirit and participation in values that identify the company.
On the Mondeo product front, a special space was dedicated to the new check valves for compressed air, the automatic air release valve Skora, and motorised valves. A new accessories line, “Floypres” was also announced; these pump pressure controllers produced by Mondeo will soon be available.
The meeting was the perfect occasion for presenting the new Sales Manager for Italy, Franco Filippi, and thank his predecessor Luigino Fontana, who has now retired, for his excellent work.
We also want to thank all the participants for their enthusiasm and professionalism, not only shown during the meeting but every day as well.
Contact us for information on the Italian sales network